Monday, July 9, 2012

Diligence is the name of the game... ADIOS laziness and procrastination

What's that sound...
Oh it's just me.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
HEYYYYYYYY Blog-o-sphere!

So I'm trying this out, once again, after the few miserable attempts I've had before at blogging. Maybe this time, with a little patience and diligence it will stick like a bad habit.

Not that it's so much of a 'bad' habit, as it is another piece of my life that I will have to put in some time and a wee bit of effort that I may or may not end up letting fall to the way side like I have in the past. But I have a good reason for starting this up right now, at 12:11 in the morning (or what I'm doing before I head off to bed).

See, it's all apart of my new goal to become more diligent in my life. I know blogs can be seen as a waste of time and maybe no one will actually read this. But I wanted to get something on board while I still had the umph and drive to want to get it started... because let's face it, setting up any kind of personal website/space takes up a lot of time and I tend to get bored quite easily.

Ultimately, this whole endeavor is the result of my new resolve thanks to my bible study tonight. CONVICTION is the name of the game. 
--For those who don't know about the church or aren't familiar with the Des Moines area, I am a member of the Downtown Church in the East Village. The DTC (as we lovingly call it) is a non-denominational, evangelical church located by the Life Serve Blood Center... just down from the Capitol Building. Since I started attending last October, it has changed my life and I will forever be a gracious advertisement for them because I will never be the same. 

Anyways... tonight at our weekly bible study meeting for Epicenter - the summer-long event that includes recreational and competitive volleyball leagues, sharing the Gospel with the public, and amazing fellowship with my friends - we were challenged to read our bibles at least 15 minutes a day for 30 days straight, plus getting into memorizing verses and working on our prayer life. We've been reading Romans 12 and are studying how to live as a R12 Christian. The message was about our sexual immorality: how the media really affects everyone and how we need to re-evaluate what that looks like in our own lives. Tough stuff. But so prevalent and real.

Some of my friends from the DTC and I looking goooooood
Handing out breakfast to Des Moines during Mission to the city
That is the beauty of the DTC. Each time I go in, I come out feeling so convicted of my sin, my sinful nature, and so much more aware of how my flesh gets control of my life each and every day. BUT this is where you need to really hear me out. While I may feel convicted down to my very core, having realizations of where I truly lack as a Christian, I always feel better and genuinely want to change my life/behavior to reflect Christ more clearly.

Hebrews 12:11: No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

 It might sound backwards or a complete defeat of the purpose of the message I heard tonight tot start up a blog, but my ultimate goal of this blog is to use it along-side with what I've been learning as I really dive into the Bible and strive to be more diligent in all aspects of my life. And talk about the two areas where I am lacking the most: prayer life and reading my bible/ quiet time/memorizing verses.

So now I say....


I once tried to start up a blog to go alongside my goal of getting through p90x. That lasted about 2 days and then I gave up. I just hope I can keep this up.

At least it's a start. 

Peace, love, and grace be with you.