Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sweat, sand, and sleep... or major lack-there-of

HEYYYYYYYY party people!

To say I'm tired right now is a bit of an understatement, I'm running on fumes and have been staring at my computer screen since I got home 30 minutes ago. It's been one of those days that has had me running around non-stop all day but I've enjoyed it all.

I tried attempting to get in a quickie blog today at work during a bit of down time but I think for that to have been a success I needed to have tinkered around with it more on my phone beforehand.  It's a horse of a whole different color trying to do something like that on a smart phone. 

That, or I'm just not as smart as my smart phone. 

Plus I always feel paranoid whenever I have my phone out at the office, even when I do have downtime in between students. I'm usually a nervous nelly always looking over my shoulder when I hear people walking around. But a lot of that has to do with the fact that there are cameras all around the office and I feel like big brother is watching me, waiting to catch me with my hand in the cookie jar. Well, I guess it's just my boss Judy. But I still feel awkward.

- - - - >DEAL OF THE DAY!.......
Just look at it
 $11.00 Jeans from Forever 21 at Jordan Creek. I'm someone who appreciates a good deal, but I wouldn't call myself a sucker. But for those of us who are budget conscious, these were quite the find. And here's the best part... that was the FULL PRICE! Yes, anything cheaper is always nice, but I'm so pumped!

My wicked serve during the 4th of July Volleyball Tournament
Tuesday nights are volleyball night for the grouping of bible studies (or 'pods' as they are technically called, but I find a smidge creepy) that my bible study is involved in. I am on a recreational team with 5 other people from Sawfish, what we lovingly call our bible study from the past year. Together we form 'Los Tigres Altheticos' and we are actually pretty decent. We play over at the Jordan Park camp in West Des Moines near Valley Junction.

Team Bear Grills Set-Up Crew: Bryce, Erin, Noelle, and MEEEEEEE
I have definitely caught the volleyball bug and have become obsessed with the game. I am also on the set-up crew, the 'Bear-Grills', so my whole Tuesday night consisted of nothing but volleyball from 6pm and I finally scooted out of there around 11:30. After our actual team played our regular 3 games we just kept playing and I can't even count how many games we ended up playing all together.

Swollen and sore from hours of volleyball playing

All I know is that currently it's waaaaay too late and I didn't get to bed the previous night until 2:30 am. I'm really going to be a charm in the morning. This isn't going to be fun.
Gatorade hath saved my life and quenched my thirst tonight
This is for you, Noelle and Bryce, because we have officially started a tradition known as Hedberging... Ladies and gents, I give you, Mitch Hedberg: "When Gatorade has a commercial, they always have like a guy playin' sports. I don't think ya have be like playing sports and sweating to enjoy a Gatorade. I just think you can be a thirsty dude. Gatorade forgets about this demographic. "I'm thirsty for absolutely no reason, other than the fact that liquid has not touched my lips for some time. Can I have a Gatorade, too? Or does that lightningbolt mean 'No'?" 
For your consideration: 
 Every day an app that I downloaded onto my phone called Daily Bible and it's been a great tool to have handy for someone like me, who is terrible at getting into the Word each day.

This is where laziness has played a huge role in my life and I just think about all of the time and opportunities that I have wasted not making it more of a priority in my life. 

Today's verse is 2 Thessalonians 3:5: "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perserverance."

 Verses like this are always beautiful to read and can give people hope. I really like what is said a few verses before it, starting at verse 3: 

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (4) We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command."

 I've really been convicted of my laziness in my walk and I know it's always been something that has hindered me from being able to follow Christ with my whole being. I like what my study bible has to say on these verses. 

Beneath the surface of the routine of daily life, a fierce struggle among invisible spiritual powers is being waged. Our main defense is prayer that God will protect us from the evil one (Satan) and that he will strengthen us.

One of my favorite parts of the bible is in Ephesians 6: 10- 17, where it talks about the Armor of God and how we can be warriors against Satan. Pastor Dan went over this passage earlier this Spring and I was talking to my brother Christopher about it over Father's Day when we were in Newton visiting our dad. 

Every time I read it I keep imagining myself more like a character in a fantasy story (Chronicles of Narnia, anyone?!?!?!?) suiting up to do battle:
  • The belt of truth buckled around your waist
  • The breastplate of righteousness in place
  • Your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
  • The shield of faith - you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one
  • The helmet of salvation
  • The sword of the spirit/Word of God
When I was visiting some family in Chariton right before the 4th of July, my Grandpa told me that he wanted me to read Psalm 91 at his funeral. Known most commonly as the Solider's Prayer, I have been reading it each time I open my bible because it does give me quite a bit of comfort.

Vs 8-13: "You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you say, 'The Lord is my refuge," and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent."

So the next blog might have to wait a day or two, for now I need sleep to happen before midnight.

Peace, love, and happiness to all.

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